estate planning
Beware of the Bypass Trust in Your Living Trust
You may need to amend your living trust if it has a bypass trust provision
estate planning
How Married Couples Can Divide Their Living Trust Assets
All to the surviving spouse, or to bypass trust or QTIP trust?
estate planning
2023 Gift and Estate Tax Exemption
2023 gift and estate tax exemption and annual gift exclusion. How much can you gift without a gift tax?
estate planning
How to Fund Your California Living Trust Checklist
How to transfer your assets to your California Living Trust to avoid probate
estate planning
How to Choose a Successor Trustee
Choosing the right successor trustee for your living trust
estate planning
California Estate Planning
An overview on estate planning. Why to do it. How to do it. When to do it.
estate planning
Why Funding Your Trust Is Important and How to Do It
A brief overview of how to fund your living trust
estate planning
Heggstad Petition - How to Avoid Probate
If you don't transfer your assets to your living trust, but you have a writing expressing your intent to do so, then your successor trustee can file...